Year: 2024
Personal Project. Photography. Sci-Fi. Horror. Capitalism. Biopolitics. Gloomy
Inspired by John Carpenter's movie They Live this series offers a critical lens on the decaying ghosts of capitalism, interpreted as remnants of a past agenda. These are seen as mere reminiscences of banality and nothingness, leading to the portrayal and deconstruction of societal "monsters" or ideologies. The work asks, "What lies beneath the mask shown to society?" "Perhaps beneath the surface lies the same expression, something simpler than expected yet standardized by the masses?" "In any case, where did it originate?" The series reflects on the vacuity of social media content and the similarity in trends, contemporary culture, art, and fashion, which heavily influence individuals regardless of their wills.
The concept is explored in three stages:
Act 1: The audience is introduced to the aliens living among us, roaming the everyday landscape, setting the stage for deeper exploration.
Act 2: The veil is lifted, and the monsters are stripped bare, revealing their true nature. This act serves as a metaphorical journey to explore the historical, semiotic, psychological, and systemic factors that sustain existing ideologies.
Act 3: The narrative reaches its climax as characters face the existential void at the heart of power and authority. This act delves into themes of nihilism, existentialism, and biopolitics more frontally, as characters confront the abyss of nothingness that lies beneath the surface.